Stumble upon: vintage car show with genuine vintage drivers

LONDON – I did a spot of shopping today and stumbled upon a vintage car display on Oxford Street which had been pedestrianised and as a result, the exhibition attracted quite a crowd. These vintage cars were on display and looked quite grand. Capital! Capital!

I also loved this one.

Ever driven one of these?

4 thoughts on “Stumble upon: vintage car show with genuine vintage drivers

  1. No – but my grandfather drove a Dodge coupe from the early 1930s and the family car was a great big heavy Nash coupe (about 1928 from memory – the car was only just a little younger than my mother!) until the mid 1960s when Dad became a Volkswagon fan. Mum talked about learning to drive the Nash, which had to be “double declutched” (whatever that meant) to change gears. I remember her crank starting it (who needed a fitness programme in those days?!) and carrying an enormous bottle of water everywhere we went to top up the radiator. Thank goodness for my gallant old Toyota Corolla – a piece of breeze to drive!

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